Sheffield BKA Honey Show at the Sheffield Fayre

We had yet another successful honey show at our Norfolk Park venue over the Bank Holiday weekend 26-27 August. With 116 entries we achieved Blue Ribbon status – which we have managed for the last 4 years or more.

Competition was hot but it could have been fiercer. With only 16 entrants some prizes went to sole entries! All entries are a celebration of beekeeping effort and it contributes enormously to the SBKA community spirit when we have more entrants. You don’t have to wait until you have the faultless entry of course  – see the magnificence of the carrot entry below.

Class Class desciption First Second Third
29 light honey Mrs O Lane Tony Lane Ian Smith
30 medium honey Ian Smith Philip Khorassandjian Cathy Butcher
31 dark honey no entries
32 ling honey Cathy Butcher no award
33 naturally granulated Tony Lane Bronwen White no award
34 creamed honey Tony Lane Bronwen White no award
35 chunk honey Bronwen White Philip Khorassandjian Cathy Butcher
36 3 distinct varieties Tony Lane no entries no entries
37 honey for sale Cathy Butcher Philip Khorassandjian Nicky Campbell
38 cut comb Philip Khorassandjian Bronwen White Cathy Butcher
39 sections no award Tony Lane no entries
40 comb Bronwen White Cathy Butcher John Shaw
41 cake wax Mrs O Lane Bronwen White John Shaw
42 Wax commercial Bronwen White no award John Shaw
43 decorative wax Mrs O Lane Bronwen White John Shaw
44 Candles John Shaw Bronwen White
Philip Khorassandjian
45 photo Philip Khorassandjian Mrs O Lane Cathy Butcher
46 plain cake Sharron Henderson Bronwen White John Shaw
47 fruit cake Sharron Henderson Anne Whitworth Nicky Campbell
48 honey sweets Nicky Campbell no entries no entries
49 honey chocs Mrs O Lane no entries no entries
50 wholemeal cob Philip Khorassandjian Tony Lane Cathy Butcher
51 dry mead Tony Lane Bronwen White Helene Pigott
52 sweet mead Bronwen White Helene Pigott Tony Lane
53 melomel Tony Lane no entries no entries
54 blacked out jar Philip Khorassandjian John Shaw Mrs O Lane
55 two different honey/wax products Mrs O Lane Philip Khorassandjian no entries
56 6 pieces wax Bronwen White Nicky Campbell John Shaw
57 display beekeepng products Mrs O Lane no entries no entries
58 educational /interesting no entries no entries no entries
59 Novice Class no entries no entries no entries

Trophy winners

best in show Mrs O Lane
best honey Mrs O Lane
Blue Ribbon Mrs O Lane
best cake Class (46 or 47)
Sharron Henderson
wax trophy Mrs O Lane
dry mead Tony Lane
sweet mead Bronwen White
Novice Class no entries

Summer Barbecue & Auction

We all enjoyed the association barbecue held 19 August with more than 30 people taking part (and some of them were vegetarians). Many thanks to Peter for organising it so efficiently and making sure we all had plenty to eat. Many thanks to Ron for making sure our sausages weren’t burnt to a cinder and many thanks to all who brought food to share.

The highlight for many was the spectacular auction that took place before the food was dished up. Members were able to purchase outstanding equipment at rock bottom prices – brood boxes for as little as 3 for £5, crown boards for £1, floors for £5. Not only did purchasers get amazing bargains, we helped a member raise over £300 for St Luke’s Hospice and we made space in our lock up whilst raising over £250 to bolster the Association coffers. It looks like we’ll have to make the auction a regular feature of the barbecue.

Bees donated to Wisewood Primary School

Wisewood Primary School is the first of Sheffield schools to take up an offer of free bee hives donated through SBKA. They took delivery of their first colony of bees Wednesday 11 July and will soon install two more colonies.

Together with the children and David Richards of the David & Jane Richards Family Foundation we found the queen, marked her red – the 2018 colour – and clipped one of her wings to prevent her being lost in a swarm.

The children were fantastic – excited but very well behaved around the hive. They all had a go holding a frame of bees and brood to look for eggs and larvae.

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